A selection of website links that will assist your quest for financial independence
Provides free, confidential, independent information and advice to anyone. They help people understand what their rights are and how to access services they need. CAB have a very good search facility that can be used for other website links. Click here
Provides community information as a directory containing information about clubs, community organisations in Christchurch & surrounding districts. Use this site to find activities and services available locally. Click here
Enforces a number of consumer laws that are important to ensure fair trading. They will note any breaches of consumer and competition law and may take action against bad behaviour. Click here
Works to reduce and remove barriers to the law. They will provide quality legal help to people in Christchurch who face barriers in accessing justice. Click here
This is a budgeting advice service operated by FinCap. Anyone can call, email, text or chat online to and get help from a financial mentor. You may then be referred to a local budgeting service near you. You will find resources to assist you in developing a simple budget. CBST recommends this service if you are needing an urgent answer and are unable to contact us. Click here
This is a free service set up by Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission dedicated to helping NZers get ahead financially. It is a trusted impartial voice on money matters with tools and information to tackle debt, plan, budget, save and invest in order to manage your money. Click here
This is the Government’s lead agency on business. It includes information on employment rights, regulations and labour laws along with consumer protection information. For those commencing a business this can be a useful site. Click here
This site has many publications and online tools to help you navigate NZ’s tax laws. We will consider in this link working for families which is paid to families with dependent children aged 18 years or under to help with the day to day costs of raising a family. There are many other means of support shown on the IRD website that you can explore. Click here
You can use the My MSD online facility to apply for a benefit or payment if you are not working or unable to work, a food grant, an emergency grant or reapply for job seeker or sole parent support.
Use this website to logon for myMSD or you can register online using this site. Click here
In partnership with NGO partners , the BNZ and Kiwibank have developed a micro finance scheme called Good Loans. They offer low interest and no interest loans. The no interest loans (up to $7000) can provide a fair and affordable way to purchase essential items. Click here
This organisation is funded by the Ministry of Social Development as part of an initiative to build capability and professionalism of financial mentorsand reduce the causes of financial hardship. CBST is one of the independent organisations affiliated to FinCap. Click here